



This a comprehensive assessment of all fundamental skills and the starting point for any real training program. We take each student out on the ice individually and look at everything from control of edges to skating stride, crossovers, shooting techinque, giving and recieving passes, explosiveness, quickness, agressiveness, overall training mindset… the list goes on. The assessment take approximately 30-45 minutes. The entire assessment is filmed and followed up with a video presentation of the findings and a training plan. 

Cost: $250

Additional Options For Skills Evaluation


Having trouble finding the time to schedule an skills assessment? With this option we will get out to see a game or have it filmed for reivew. With this information, we will be able to tell you exactly what your child needs to work on to reach their full hockey potential.

Cost: $200


Not from around the Greater Philadelphia Area? With this option we will look at any footage of your child’s shifts and give you a scope of what we see they need to work on to reach their full hockey potential. Please make sure footage is clear and as steady as possible. 

Cost: $150

Stay Injury Free

Kinetic Chain Assessment

This critical assessment will indentify any muscular imbalances any athlete has and the corrective exercises they should be doing. This assessment takes approximately 45-60 minutes and is conducted at our local office. Each athlete will receive a detailed plan of all exercises they should be doing to stay healthy and injury free.  


Cost: $150

INQUIRE FOR As EVaulation Services